Les pannes

Hard drive failure : how to recover lost data ? 

You own a hard drive ? Then you know that this is fragile and sensitive equipment. A small shock, a short circuit, a power surge ect. and you lose all your important data. When that happens, we have to react quickly and call in professionals. At Chronodisk, we identify the source of the failure of your support, in order to affect the best methods of restoring files that you lost. 

Comment reconnaître un dysfonctionnement du disque dur ?

How to recognize a hard drive malfunction ? 

Vous le savez, le disque dur, qu’il soit externe ou interne, n’est pas infaillible, et une panne peut survenir à tout moment. Pour que vous ne soyez pas surpris par une défaillance, vous devez être attentif aux différents signes de dysfonctionnement du support. En effet, même si ce dernier peut s’arrêter brusquement, il existe parfois des symptômes de mauvais fonctionnement qui apparaissent au fur et à mesure, et qui annoncent le dégât que subit l’appareil.

Strange noises 

One of the warning signs of a hard drive failure is unusual, strange noises. After a shock for example, it can happen that your equipment emits squeaks or sizzles, sometimes at a very high rate. When it’s the case, do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible. 

The faster you react, the more likely we are to succeed in the data recovery procedure

Disk errors 

If you realize that some files disappear from your hard drive, or if it displays errors, this may be the sign of a failure. This can be a programme that suddenly stops or documents that you can’t find anymore, when they were previously saved ect… 

Analyse du dysfonctionnement du disque dur

Unable to access the disk 

You can also recognize a malfunction, by the fact that your storage media works, without you being able to access your files. In that case, the equipment in question does not emit abnormal noise and the defect is generally internal and invisible. 

A burning smell 

It can also happen that your hard drive emits a strange or unusual smell. If you smell a burning smell on your rack, then it may be a breakdown. In this case, you need to react quickly and appeal to professionals, so as not to lose all your important files.

Quelles sont les différentes pannes d’un disque dur ?

What are the different failures of a hard drive ?

Because the external or internal hard drive is not infallible, it can suffer various types of failures. When this is the case, the data recovery method depends on the nature of the damage and its significance :

Logical failure 

Logical failure is usually the least severe that can attack a hard drive. Indeed, the equipment continues to operate without you having the ability to access your files. It is usually caused by human error (bad formatting, unexpected deletion, bad repartitioning, etc.).

Data extraction when this type of problem occurs, does not require a clean room run. A data recovery software is enough to overcome the malfunction.

Electronic failure 

With regard to the electronic failure of the hard drive, the main causes are electric shocks (power surge, lightning, etc.). As a result, the device stops working.In this case, it becomes urgent to troubleshoot the electronic card before proceeding with file recovery. Troubleshooting takes place in the clean room, to ensure that the procedure is carried out in good conditions.

At Chronodisk, we have a well-equipped laboratory to perform all the work of extracting your important and confidential elements.

The mechanical failure

The hard drive mechanical failure is the most severe, or severe. It usually occurs when your media :

  • Suffered a violent shock
  • Fell
  • Is worn
  • Suffered from fire, flooding, etc.

In the event of a mechanical problem, all functions of the device are damaged. It must go to a clean room, for disassembly and replacement of the reading heads.

Comment se passe la récupération des données en cas de panne ?

How does data recovery work in case of failure ?

Membres Chronodisk

In the event of mechanical, electronic or logical failure of the hard drive, we recommend you to stop using your media. Then you can contact us at 01 40 60 00 00, or go directly to our laboratory.

First of all, we carry out a free evaluation of the support, in order to determine the origin of the problem. We then prepare a free quote that we present to you and, after you have validated it, we carry out the data recovery work.

Payment is made when you have confirmed that all the files we have extracted are the ones you want to recover. Do not hesitate to entrust us with your support, in order to benefit from our efficient services.

You lost your data?